US Marshals Top 15 Most Wanted Fugitive Leroy Headley Allegedly Killed Girlfriend And Fled
Described by US Marshals as a "Modern-day Casanova" who is charged with murder.

Leroy Headley [US Marshals]
On May 3, 2018, police in South Burlington, VT were called to a home to investigate a possible murder. Upon arrival, authorities found the body of 33-year-old Anako Lumumba. The nurse and mother of two was dead from a gunshot wound to the head. As the investigation kicked into full gear, authorities soon released to the public information about two calls about the murder. The first was from police in Falmouth, Mass. They said a relative contacted their dispatch directly about a man named Leroy Headley who told family members he murdered his girlfriend.
The second call to authorities was from Headley himself. He reportedly contacted 911 in Vermont and allegedly confessed to the crime. Before authorities could cuff Headley and put him behind bars, he took off. US Marshals believe only 24 hours after the crime Headley fled to Albany, NY. It was there where they say he abandoned his vehicle. It is also believed he penned a suicide note to his children, but authorities do not know if he took his own life.
Just prior to the murder, Headley was possibly searching for international flights. It is believed Headley and the victim's relationship fell apart after Headley was accused of allegedly sexually assaulting two minors. The US Marshals say, "At the time of Lumumba’s murder, Headley was on court-ordered conditions of release, stemming from a charge of sexual assault of a minor."
Headley is currently a US Marshals Top 15 Most Wanted and was added to the infamous list in 2019. The US Marshals say he's a dangerous man who has a history of assault and domestic violence. He also reportedly has ties to Negril and Belvedere, Jamaica, Las Vegas, parts of Massachusetts and Florida as well as New York, Vermont, and Canada.
Read more: US Marshalls
Case/Subject Details
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 170lbs
Charges: Murder, Sexual Assault of a Minor
Originally from: Jamaica
Aliases: Lee Hadley, Lee Hadly, Lee Headly, and Derrick Pitts
Hair: Dark, may be sporting a shaved head or dreadlocks
Characteristics: Headley is believed to be living under an assumed name(s). He most likely has befriended people and may be residing with an unsuspecting companion. Headley is described as medium/average build with brown hair and brown eyes. He is known to frequent dating sites and the US Marshals say he has a track record of womanizing, "which may help him hide in plain sight as he forms relationships with women who do not know his true identity."
Possible areas where suspect could be hiding: Vermont, New York, has ties to Jamaica and Canada. He has personal ties to Westmoreland, Jamaica specifically where he was born. The US Marshals say he also has ties to Negril and Belvedere, Jamaica, Las Vegas, parts of Massachusetts and Florida. Headley could possibly have associates in Montreal and Toronto, Canada.