David Allen Bonness On The Run After Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Step Daughter

If you have any information on where David Allen Bonness could be, please call or text the IN PURSUIT hotline directly: 833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE). You can also submit directly to: InPursuitTips.com.

David Bonness is a white male with brown hair and green eyes. Bonness stands 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs around 180 pounds.

David Allen Bonness is on the run after allegedly assaulting his step daughter. If you have any information on where David Allen Bonness could be, please call or text the IN PURSUIT hotline directly: 833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE). You can also submit directly to: InPursuitTips.com.

Photo by: FBI


By: Michelle Sigona

Days before Christmas in 2008, a young Rapid City, South Dakota teen had the courage to come forward to her boyfriend, telling him something that was going to change everyone’s lives. The young girl she had been allegedly sexually assaulted by her step father for years.

The boyfriend convinced her to come forward and tell her mom. The mother listened and contacted authorities right away and told them what was going on in her home with her own husband. Authorities soon questioned the accused predator, identified as David Allen Bonness.

Boness was questioned on camera at the police department, but he denied all allegations.

Alysha Soulek, the victim in this case, courageously spoke to Callahan Walsh about her horrific experiences over those years. She said the abuse began when she was only 12 years old and went on for months. Alysha said the reason why she didn’t come forward sooner, was because she was fearful Bonness would hurt her, her sister, or their mom.

In an interview with In Pursuit with John Walsh, Alysha said, “I need him caught. I want David caught. For him to get put behind bars I feel it will lift something off my shoulders where I can feel safe. I can feel at ease with going places, you know. I want this chapter of my life to be closed.”

Boness is wanted for rape of a child and unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. He skipped town in 2009 and has been on the run ever since. Bonness stands 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs around 180 pounds. He’s originally from Wyoming. At the time he left, he was working at an auto body shop.

If you have any information on where David Bonness could be, please call or text the IN PURSUIT hotline directly: 833-378-7783 (3-PURSUE). You can also submit directly to: InPursuitTips.com.

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