Infant Left in Hot Car Dies, Dad Says Mom Was Supposed to Drop Him at Daycare

NEW ALBANY, IN — Police are investigating the death of a three-month-old baby that was apparently left in a hot car in Indiana.
According to the infant’s father, the infant boy was supposed to have been dropped off at daycare — but wasn’t.
Aaron Turner, the grieving dad, said that Baby Aiden was reportedly with his mother and sister at the time. Turner added that the mom had dropped off Aiden’s sister at a separate daycare facility, after which she was supposed to take Aiden to his own care center.
Police said that New Albany Emergency Services responded to a call regarding an unresponsive infant in a parked car outside the business where Aiden’s mother worked.
According to reports, Aiden’s mother, who has not yet been identified, said she did not realize her son was still in his baby seat, and thought she had already dropped him off. Then she made the horrific discovery.
As Turner told the press:
“She said she opened the car door and was like, ‘What is that smell?’ and she noticed Aiden was still in the back seat.”
The safety group Kids and Cars reports that Aiden’s death is the 29th such incident in the United States this year. The group also estimates that in more than 55 percent of these cases, an adult just forgets that the child is still in the car.
The New Albany Police Department is presently investigating Baby Aiden’s death in full.
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Read more: WPTA, WAVE-3, WTHR, Kids and Cars