Caylee’s Ghost? Casey Anthony’s Father Says He’s “Seen” Dead 2-Year-Old In His House

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ORANGE COUNTY, FL — George Anthony, the father of the notorious Casey Anthony, claims that his two-year-old granddaughter Caylee, who died in 2008, has visited him in the flesh during the years since then.
Cindy Anthony, George’s wife who is seated next to him during an interview, affirms that she believes her husband.
On the show, George states point-blank:
“I’ve seen Caylee on a couple of occasions … I’ve seen her in the flesh in my house. One time she woke me up in the morning just tapping on me with her little finger like she used to do. ‘JoJo wake up.’”
JoJo was Caylee’s nickname for her grandfather.
George is asked if he thinks Caylee was an apparition or perhaps just part of a dream. George says no, it was his granddaughter physically present in the Anthony’s home, stating:
“It wasn’t a dream. It was like you and I are talking right now…. The strong spirit that was in our house. That’s not an imagination. That’s love, and that’s a connection that I wish more people could have.”
Caylee Hansen went missing in 2008 and, several months later, turned up dead. Casey Anthony, then 19, was charged with murdering her daughter. After a hugely controversial trial, a jury acquitted Casey of the killing.
George and Cindy Anthony also say they believe Casey is “mentally ill" and state they’ll sue her if she attempts to sell her story or, as has been rumored, appears on a reality TV show with O.J. Simpson.
Read more:
Orlando Sentinel
Fox News