300-Pound Woman Pleads Guilty To Fatally Smothering Her Boyfriend By Sitting On Him
Investigators say Windi Thomas attacked her boyfriend with a knife and beat him with a table leg before smothering him with her body.
![Windi Thomas [Erie County Police Department]](http://investigationdiscovery.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/investigationdiscovery/crimefeed/legacy/2018/12/windi-thomas-12052018.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.411.suffix/1544039370526.jpeg)
Windi Thomas [Erie County Police Department]
ERIE COUNTY, PA — A Pennsylvania woman who was charged with the death of her boyfriend has confessed to stabbing and smothering him, police say.
Forty-four-year-old Windi Thomas pleaded guilty to third-degree murder in connection with the death of her boyfriend, Keeno Butler, 44.
She faces a sentence of up to 40 years in prison, and the prosecutors have recommended a sentence of between 18 to 36 years behind bars.
The incident began at the couple's home on East Avenue in March.
Investigators say Thomas attacked her boyfriend with a knife and beat him with a table leg before smothering him with her body.
Butler's death was later determined to have been caused by “respiratory insufficiency secondary to blunt force trauma to the neck and thoracic compression, exacerbated by blunt force trauma to the head.”
According to Thomas' lawyer, she killed Butler by mistake — and she told investigators that she had been drinking and wanted to purchase crack.
Defense Attorney Mark Del Duca says, "Obviously, it's an unfortunate situation for everybody, but I think that this guilty plea and the recommendation we've made to the court will be beneficial for all parties involved."
No date has yet been set for sentencing.
Read more: YourErie.com