Penis-Eating Consensual Cannibal Cop Gets Life In Prison After Retrial

Detlev Guenzel, a 56-year-old German police officer, waits for the opening of his trial on August 22, 2014, at the court in Dresden.
LEIPZIG, GERMANY — After a retrial, the German Constitutional Court has ruled that a prison term given to a former police officer who killed, butchered, and ate a willing partner was too “lenient.” Now, cannibal cop Detlev Guenzel, 59, will serve a life sentence.
On November 4, 2013, Guenzel met up with Polish-born Wojciech Stempniewicz, 59, after the pair initially hooked up on a cannibal-fetish website billed as “the #1 site for exotic meat.”

Detlev Guenzel in photograph that went viral and became a news story (INN)
Reportedly, Guenzel had fantasized since his youth about dismembering and devouring a human body, while Stempniewicz long dreamed of being dismembered and devoured. Upon meeting, the perversely perfect pair went down to Guenzel’s basement BDSM dungeon and made each other’s kinkiest cravings come true.
According to conviction papers, Guenzel tortured Stempniewicz and slit his throat. The 30-year police force veteran then made a video of himself clad just in underpants while chopping up his pal’s corpse as pop music blares in the background. At one point on the tape, which prosecutors played in court, the blood-soaked Guenzel states:
“I never thought I would sink so low.”
After burying Stempniewicz in his backyard, investigators believe Guenzel made a meal of several very specific body parts. Upon digging up Guenzel’s flower garden, searchers found the dead man’s remains — minus his penis and one testicle.
In 2015, a jury convicted Guenzel of “murder and disturbing the peace of the dead.” He received eight years, seven months — a term less than the 15-year maximum, in consideration of Stempniewicz’s acknowledged “death wish” and apparently happy participation in his own demise.
The following year, a shocking photo emerged online of Guenzel standing naked (except for socks and sandals) and holding an ax while standing next to a skeleton in the very chamber where he slaughtered and sliced up Stempniewicz. The subsequent scandal added another month to Guenzel’s sentence.
More recently, Guenzel’s attorneys convinced the court that new evidence might prove that Stempniewicz had killed himself by hanging in the dungeon.
Following the judge-ordered retrial, Guenzel actually got the originally rejected stint of life in prison. He can apply for parole in 15 years.
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