'Just in Case I Go Missing': The 'Private Party' Murder of Exotic Dancer Angie Barlow
![Angie Barlow [Indianapolis Metro Police Department]](http://investigationdiscovery.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/investigationdiscovery/crimefeed/legacy/2018/07/ANGIE-BARLOW.gif.rend.hgtvcom.616.347.suffix/1536696058398.gif)
INDIANAPOLIS, IN — On October 26, 2016, a woman texted professional dancer Angie Barlow and asked her to perform at a private party, implying it would be a surprise for her boyfriend.
The sender did not provide a name — just an apartment address and a time to show up.
Angie, who performed in local Indianapolis clubs and occasionally did other events on the side, took the gig. The texter requested that Angie dress in black or red undergarments. Angie agreed.
At about 11:45 P.M. that night, Angie sent a Snapchat message to her roommate, Mona Jackson. It showed Angie smiling in what appeared to be an apartment, and stated:
“Doing a private party at this address just in case I go missing lol.”
That message turned out to be horribly prophetic. Angie Barlow was never heard from again.
When Angie didn’t come home the next day, Mona Jackson contacted Christina Kramer, Angie’s mother. Christina and her husband rushed from Muncie to Indianapolis to report Angie missing.
Police studied surveillance footage of the private party’s address. The footage depicts Angie’s blue Pontiac G6 leaving the apartment complex at 3:29 A.M. Another car directly follows.
Neither driver is visible on the tape, but the license plate of the second car is registered to a woman named Raven Miller.
Indianapolis Metro Police Department Detective Jose Torres discovers that the party was hosted by Raven Miller and her romantic partner, a man named Baron McCullough.
Angie knew the couple from her club dancing and, according to Torres, she didn’t like them. In fact, Torres said, Angie would not have taken the job had she known Miller and McCullough were behind it. He therefore believes that “she was tricked to come to this location.”
Miller and McCulluogh admitted to police that Angie was at their apartment, but that she left at 3 A.M. while they stayed behind. No other evidence connects the pair to Angie’s disappearance.
Twelve days later, Angie’s car turned up. It was dumped in a distressed condition about eight miles away from the party address. Still, the trashed vehicle supplied no new leads.
In May 2017, police arrested Muncie resident Michelle Brown for stealing $8,000 from the bank account of Angie’s grandmother. Detectives hoped the fraud bust would lead to information about Angie — but, so far, it has not.
Then, in June 2017, an anonymous tip led police to human remains buried in an Indianapolis backyard. The badly decomposed body belonged to Angie. Christina Kramer identified her daughter’s remains by looking at tattoo photos.
Cops questioned the homeowner where the grave was located, but cut him loose. He had only moved into the residence recently, before which it had been unoccupied.
Between the secretive couple who hired Angie to dance and the fraud case against Angie’s grandmother, detectives have been examining the possibility of a larger conspiracy at work.
Nonetheless, no hard connections have yet emerged to tie the crimes together — nor to implicate any previous persons of interest.
Regarless, Detective Torres said he is continuing to take a hard look at the gathering thrown by Raven Miller and Baron McCullough. He has stated:
“I believe that there are other people in the apartment when this incident occurred [who] know exactly what happened to Angela that evening. And my goal here is not just an arrest, my goal is a conviction.”
If you have any information regarding any aspect of what happened to Angie Barlow, please call Crime Stoppers at (317) 262-TIPS or (317) 262-8477.

Angie Barlow Information Wanted poster [Indianapolis Metro Police Dept]
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Read more: Justice for Angie Barlow, Angie Barlow Group – Facebook, WISH-TV, WXIN, Crime Watch