Former Celebrity Ghost Hunter Ryan Buell Is Back In Jail—For Biting

Ryan Buell [Ryan Buell / Facebook (screenshot)]
Celebrity ghost hunter Ryan Daniel Buell has reportedly been arrested again, this time for battery and harassment, and is being held in jail.
According to documents, Buell was hand-delivered a warrant on Saturday and then taken into custody. State College police Lieutenant Brad Smail said that Buell scratched the victim, and bit the finger of the victim so hard it punctured the fingernail.
Buell is now said to be on suicide watch inside the Centre County Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania awaiting his arraignment.
From 2007 to 2011, Buell starred as a supernatural researcher on the A&E reality show Paranormal State. The show chronicled Buell looking for specters, poltergeists, and other such spirits with his Paranormal Research Society (PRS).
Buell was also in trouble with the law in September 2016, for theft and charges related to stolen property. After the news of that arrest broke, fans of the show posted hundreds of social-media messages alleging Buell ripped them off. Many claim he took money for events, then either did not show up or canceled without issuing refunds. More shockingly, others question whether Buell ever actually had the pancreatic cancer he reportedly battled in 2012.
For those charges, Buell pleaded guilty to car theft of a rental car and was due to be back in court In May.
At this time, it is not clear whether the latest charges are related to that case.
Read more: Paranormal Herald Magazine ,